As this year is coming to an end, many projects I've had in the works for a while are coming to fruition. So I took a look back at the paintings I've made and sold since 2007...and I think how ironic that I almost gave up painting at the end of 2006 and into 2007 because I found it so frustrating. I could see the paintings in my mind, but attempting to give birth to them on the canvas was so damn a math problem. I remember getting so angry that I couldn't "figure out" how to paint..because painting for me had always been something that happened when I "plugged into" the moment of "now"; it just happened, like channelling, and I didn't have to "figure out" any part of the equation. One day I had a breakthrough regarding a dry brushing technique that became the solution to my previously "unsolvable math problem", and painting became effortless again. I've got a lot to learn still, but now at least the painting is happening, as is the growing and learning, and that's what's important; not the outcome, but the journey..In fact, I always think I'm not being productive enough. When I take the time to look back I see this isn't true; yet the bigget picture still is that no matter how productive you are, it will never be enough. You will never know everything...and in the end, it doesn't even matter. These matters are but tiny human worries that distract us from larger joys. It's all about the journey...
it's strange and at the same time exciting tpo have one of your work at home, the contract from the first time captured my attention and what I said was: this piece of art will be great at home...bridge from my passion for your music that inspired me and supported me for years back in time and the new line with your 'other side' art....I'm grateful for the possibility to live with a piece of your thought
what an amazing year !!!
keep going !!
Hi! I simply love your art. And I have two questions, first of all; would you mind if I "readrwaed" your paintings? MAke it my own in a way. And second of all; where can I by your music? I canæt find it anywhere here in Norway and I haven't found any web pages either.
Thanks, and keep it up. You're an inspiration to all!
btw; contact me by mail if you want and can answer my questions.
From Helene
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